
Showing posts from January, 2019

On and Off the Air

January 25 Before this month comes to a close let me try stringing together some things floating in my head. Since today would have been Mom’s 65th birthday, let me make today the day I stop putting it off. Sister, sister My sister is getting married in October and has asked me to officiate her wedding. I am over the moon excited and delighted about it but we are both very emotional with the fact that we won’t have our mom around. It’ll be 21 years this June since she passed away and that fact stings more at certain times than at others. She wasn’t around for my wedding either in 2016 but maybe because I had more years with her and it took place in the Dominican Republic, I felt as though she was there. I had some framed photographs of us in the reception and Christine will be working on something similar to include mom in her wedding. A little while ago she gave me a proofreading assignment and when she checked it, she had me do it again. Reading her feedback wasn’t