
Showing posts from December, 2020

Winter Wondertime- Time for my artist statement, what?

12/20/2020 The last time I wrote here it was dated May 23 and still in draft mode. It covered a few things like the woman-child trope, my job situation, the fact that my 25th high school reunion was taking place virtually on Zoom this year, and my artist statement. A lot has happened since then like having to move and getting a new job. I haven't stopped writing, I've just been doing it privately, sorting things out on my own. It's (this blog is) called tracking down my shots in the light and the dark for a reason I suppose and there'll be times when I'll be doing 'this work' in the dark so to speak, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I don't exactly know what made me want to come back up to the surface or "the light" here, but I was thinking about doing this yesterday. Maybe it's the coming of the winter solstice and a time of transformation. Someone compared it to being in a portal of some kind and yeah, I feel that or want to feel t