Winter Wondertime- Time for my artist statement, what?


The last time I wrote here it was dated May 23 and still in draft mode. It covered a few things like the woman-child trope, my job situation, the fact that my 25th high school reunion was taking place virtually on Zoom this year, and my artist statement.

A lot has happened since then like having to move and getting a new job. I haven't stopped writing, I've just been doing it privately, sorting things out on my own. It's (this blog is) called tracking down my shots in the light and the dark for a reason I suppose and there'll be times when I'll be doing 'this work' in the dark so to speak, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

I don't exactly know what made me want to come back up to the surface or "the light" here, but I was thinking about doing this yesterday. Maybe it's the coming of the winter solstice and a time of transformation. Someone compared it to being in a portal of some kind and yeah, I feel that or want to feel that.

My proofreading goals have basically been on the back burner, mainly because I'm finding more inspiration when I draw, something I really didn't take seriously until last year's inktober. Not aiming to make a career or business out of it, not so interested in selling my work, I've gladly given quite a few of drawings away to family and friends, but I do want to dedicate more time and involvement with what I draw and having it be seen somehow. There's a musician who recently followed me on Instagram because he liked one of my drawings and at one point asked me if I'd consider designing some art work for one of his singles if his band ends up releasing it. One of my (painter) friends advised me to charge $ but honestly I'd love to try this without those kinds of thoughts in my head. If anything, that'd be something later down the road. I'm trying to communicate more with my artist friends about our art and I made a rough version of my artist statement- a hard thing to do, but helpful. I google searched a guideline of what questions would be good to answer or write about and came up with this:

  1.  map Artist statement. Truth and beauty. Tributing what I grew up around (movies, TV, fashion, music) and what I like. And what's in me. Some satire. Playful. Sometimes playing with words. Women's perspective. Xennial generation with wide range of pop culture references. Sometimes the geometric patterns. Don't need a niche in technique or a label. Am fine with going about this in different ways. Some say surreal but that's incidental. Just trying to convey. How I get there is just a means to an end. Collage, ink, watercolor, pencil, digital art, acrylic, canvas, paper, screen, wood. I'll grab whatever's available or convenient at the time. And how it comes out, as long as it feels or looks true to me then, good. (I favor warm colors but those cool ones are ethereal and beautiful too. I believe in putting your own twist to things whenever possible.  Many of the art movements I like embrace that belief, except maybe for pop art, but perhaps even that too)

  1. Interview questions 

Who is your audience?

Whoever takes the time to look. From Earth and beyond, friends and fam.

Who are your influences?

Pollock's energy. Matisse. Kahlo. Pop culture around me and what I grew up on. Banksy. Instagram. The art movements impressionism, surrealism, abstract expressionism, op art and pop art. Graffitti art too. Satire. Sincerity. Not trying to stay in a label. 

Explain your work to a child.

I draw for fun and what makes me feel happy or like I'm getting my point across.

How do you make your work?

Draw, look for help and guidance. Pencil then sometimes ink afterwards,  painting, acrylic or water color. Snap a picture and post.

How do your materials inform your concept?

How is your work unique?

I don't think it's terribly unique. But my perspective is my own no matter what, whether it's a physical angle or an emotional subject matter choice or the actual strokes.


Like I said, it's rough af and will be more tailored to the particular project I'd be involved in. But that's one of the things that has surfaced and developed to my surprise. 2020 = helluva year and new decade in every way!

The pin I got for doing a drawing every day last October. And with inktober52 this year, where it's a drawing a week (as well as everyday in October), I can proudly say that I've done something for every week this year too :)

The band I've been drawing a few things for. Don't know if they're going to use what I've done so far, but check them out and give them a listen if you haven't already :)


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