
Showing posts from September, 2018

S'Wonderful, S'Marvelous

When I post videos of me speaking, I do it for the content, to get my message across. But some people seem to enjoy them for a different reason. Some like or at least get a kick out of my accent which is sort of a Jewish, Italian, Queens, New Yorker kind, even though I am really a New Yorker of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent, not Jewish or Italian. But I've often been mistaken for Italian and/or Jewish throughout my life I’ve sometimes been stopped mid-conversation by my Titi Ydalia so that she can laugh at how much “like a Jew" I sound, and my sister and cousins will repeat certain words back to me when I say them, such as dawg (dog), dawta (daughter) and the ever famous, cawfee (coffee) A co-worker told me he first thought I was Jewish and Puerto Rican and that I must’ve learned Spanish from my “nanny”. When I told him that my babysitter was Greek/Jewish, it made sense to him and he said, “Ohh so it was the other way around!” When I was

Wake Up Feeling...

9/14/18 Ye sterday I woke up feeling awesome and unstoppable. I made a video from my phone saying so and posted it on Instagram, something I'm very new at. I half joked that since my hair and earrings were looking good and in place, I was sure to have a great day. And I did, I felt great. Not because of anything wonderful and different that happened, this was just my feeling, my mood. And that mood stayed pretty much all day. People liked the video and some felt inspired or at least happy for me. It was great. This morning I woke up and didn't have the same high. I didn't feel bad but I didn't feel as good as the day before. I decided to post another video about it sort of poking fun at the subtle but sudden change. Doing this alleviated things somehow. If I didn't do that, the thoughts would have probably swirled around in my head and heart, probably in a downward spiral, and I would have fretted over how bipolar I seem to be. But I know that I am


Hey to whoever's reading this (that's me tryina wave hi with my daughter on my lap) So in 2015, someone I met in Vanessa M ártir's writing workshop encouraged me to start a blog. I did and called it, "Catch my Drift- Ruminations, Elaborations, Contemplations... you get the idea". My first entry was in May that year and my last one was in November of 2017. I decided to stop and spend the next year trying to figure out where all these essays could go, if at least one of them could be featured somewhere. I spent just a fraction of a fraction of time doing that- apparently I wasn’t as into that pursuit as I'd hope to be. I didn’t want to change my essays, I didn’t want to transfer them from my own blog to somewhere else and adjust it accordingly, I also didn’t see places where they would be able to fit. In all fairness, I didn’t look very hard, and I told myself to still give it the rest of this year before going back to that blog. But like I mentioned i