
Hey to whoever's reading this
(that's me tryina wave hi with my daughter on my lap)

So in 2015, someone I met in Vanessa Mártir's writing workshop encouraged me to start a blog. I did and called it, "Catch my Drift- Ruminations, Elaborations, Contemplations... you get the idea". My first entry was in May that year and my last one was in November of 2017. I decided to stop and spend the next year trying to figure out where all these essays could go, if at least one of them could be featured somewhere. I spent just a fraction of a fraction of time doing that- apparently I wasn’t as into that pursuit as I'd hope to be. I didn’t want to change my essays, I didn’t want to transfer them from my own blog to somewhere else and adjust it accordingly, I also didn’t see places where they would be able to fit. In all fairness, I didn’t look very hard, and I told myself to still give it the rest of this year before going back to that blog. But like I mentioned in its next to last entry, I feel like that title is not so appropriate for me anymore anyway. I don't feel like I'm drifting all that much anymore, even though I believe we're all adrift in this life in one way or another. I figured I'd start a new blog and have it be more purposeful, more about me documenting my life plans and goals, sharing them, and holding myself accountable. Again, I hope to inspire, learn, create connections, and grow.

Let me see if Mondays are a good day for me to do this. It could be. It's the beginning of the week and so it's a fresh start, a fresh page. But Mondays are also groggy and barely anyone looks forward to them, so I don’t know. But maybe that’s the best time to push myself with these.
Even though it's Friday, I just got this idea today during work- September 7th- 7 being my favorite number and it also happens to be Brazil's Independence day- so I'm putting my excitement down now and jump starting it today. Alright guys, I’ll either come up with something this or next Monday, Tooda-loooo- I mean, Peace xo


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