Just Some Updates

Here's a recent pic with my new bangs that I sometimes consider growing out again already and new T- shirt from Generation record store for this year's Record Store Day 

It's funny. I had in mind to post a new entry every Monday but I seem to be doing this only once or twice a month. And I still can't seem to find a common thread theme for this one. So when I can't do that but still want to blog, I update.

Updates: I haven't gone back to the playwriting group that I've been interested in going back to yet. Their hours feel too late for me, they've had recent cancellations and room mix-ups and so I've been considering looking into the MeetUp where there are various, closer groups to choose from. The English/Spanish exchange group was what made me notice MeetUp in the first place with my husband in mind, but he and I haven't gone to any of those yet due to various reasons a.k.a. excuses :(

He is looking for a business to invest in, but isn’t sure which one to venture on. He likes the idea of owning a juice bar but took real estate courses here instead. If he had a stronger grasp on English, he would have passed, I already know. I always imagined us sharing a business and office translating, notarizing, and assisting Hispanic clients here in some way- our skills teamed together could make that work well. Instead of real estate sales I picture him excelling in appraisals because he's got such an (eagle) eye for that sort of thing. We'll see.

My sister has given me another proofreading assignment due next week and this time it’s to improve on something I've already written in at least the last three years. I'm choosing Cake and Empathy, the thing I feel should come right after “tea and sympathy” ;)

In Amy Landino’s last details therapy episode they briefly mention the Abundance vs Scarcity mindset which is something I recognized on an instinctual level but didn't have the words for. Of course there are a lot of videos on this subject, but here's the one I happened to zero in on last week xoxo



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