Power to the People, Power to the Pressure

My sister and I send daily vlogs to each other. We started doing this months ago. Aside from phone calls, texts, sending each other memes and outside videos, we also send each other videos of ourselves talking. We're long distance now, so these are one of the ways we've kept in close contact, so to speak.

Here is a screenshot of me telling her about how I'm planning to (re)pursue my career of teaching English online as well as my bigger dream of having this available (or more available) in Latin American and Caribbean countries, not just China, where it all seems to be right now. Saying that this dream/idea of mine is "new" but not that new.

In response, she immediately sent me her own video, right in the middle of her daily walk. Holding the phone, camera facing her, and word-for-word, telling me:

"No it's not new! This has always been your passion, you should fucking go after it like honestly. This has like been a driving force for you so many times and then you kind of like relax back on it and you don't really pursue it anymore but then you like, kick back into gear and you're like, 'No, I'm gonna do this!' Like yeah! Yeah! Go do it man! It's awesome. It's a good idea, it's a good thing for you to invest in... it's awesome." With an encouraging smile at the end :)

Our vlogs to each other are close up, cut and dry, just caught at the moment and expressing what's on our minds and hearts. We usually need to keep it under a minute or the file becomes too large to send, so we try to keep it short and to the point. 

I just finished reading her first draft of her screenplay, "Adulting". It's really good, and aside from wanting my feedback, she is currently working on it with a friend who is more in the industry and could really help her bring this into fruition so, yay!

My son's Guitar Lessons 

His instructor says he has great technique and is doing very well. Friendly to us, helpful to Alex, and a lefty! Read here to understand why this matters to me. I am pleased, my son is happy and I really like the introvert-extroverted combination of playing guitar. The inner focus it takes to actually learn the damn chords and the presentation of it during and afterwards. Plus the joy it can bring to an audience as well as the player.

Puerto Rico. NY/USA

Notable highlight last month on a more global scale has got to be the incredible achievement the Puerto Rican people did in getting governor Ricky Rosselló to resign. A lot of amazing art work pertaining to these protests have been circulating during and afterwards. Here is one of them which tells it like it is by saying, "He didn't resign, we took him out!" 

Pretty much. Power to the people, power to the pressure- just like with finally funding the 9/11 first responder's bill

For real... Happy August everyone xoxoxo


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