After More- Enjoying New Haven

This was my view of Marc Maron's show which was as he called it, the "last leg of the tour".  I'm glad I caught it just in time. I hate that I missed my cousin's baby shower on the same day but loved that I went out to see his show, which Netflix eventually ended up calling his "Hey, There's More" tour, End Times Fun.

His last bit on Mike Pence was very bizarre but then again so is Mike Pence so there's that. 

Perhaps the darkest bit was when he'd imagine and then enact the complacency we might take on towards authoritarianism. A woman in the front had a problem with it apparently, because when he asked us, too grim? she apparently said yes, to which he replied with something defensive like, whatdya want, lady? I entertain, what else can I do?! 

He eventually got on her good side it seems as she laughed at an even darker joke about putting his cat LaFonda to sleep as opposed to parents not putting their addict/junkie kids "to sleep," and he called her out on laughing at that.

He mentioned the concept of hope a few times, trying to maintain such a thing during these times. That night I happened to have a bobby pin in my hair that had the word Hope on it and felt a little synergy there. 

Even though I was familiar with his, Life Before Looking Things Up On Google bit ("you wonder out of nowhere, who was the guy who incorporated peanuts to his many inventions? Peanut Guy! What was his name?" and then he reenacts your frustrating day of not being able to recall it), seeing it live made me crack up as if I had heard it for the first time.

I really liked the venue as well as the rest of the area. One of the Latin restaurants had a delicious wafting aroma that I could sense without even going inside. 

That area is mostly Yale owned except for a few places such as the artisan Ten Thousand Villages store which had so many lovely, original things and friendly, sweet people working there.

Sleeping over my aunt's house afterwards. I'm allergic to dogs but not so much with this cutie, it seems.

Other beautiful New Haven spots

My beloved fam


I didn't intend for this post to come out today, the day Maron's show first airs on Netflix. I meant to put it out days earlier, but it didn't work that way. I'm finishing it up today and I guess it's fitting with the timing of it all. 

This is from the newsletter he sent yesterday, and here's some of what he said about it:

I watched most of the special again recently and I can honestly see everything that has gotten me here on that special. It’s like an homage to earlier me in parts and there are many definite tips of the hat to the people that influenced me since I was a kid. I can see it in specific jokes though I wasn’t thinking about it while I created the bits.
I’m a little nervous. I would say that I am at the top of my game in this special in terms of the material, structure and how I presented the stuff. I really hope it doesn’t just disappear into the churning cloud. I’d like it to be reviewed by some smart people so I can see things I can’t see, being the one who did it. I want it to rattle some folks and create a little fury here and there. In all honesty if this special doesn’t get some kind of aggravated attention I will really have a more honest sense of my relevance as a comic. I am prepared for that. 
I am aware that people may get offended. I’m not sure who but there are a lot of possibilities for that. I’m also aware that I don’t present to offend which would make it even more exciting if people find it offensive. It’s hard to explain. I just hope it gets some kind of reaction. 
I hope you all watch and get something out of it—dark relief. -MM 


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