They and We and You and I

This week I would've had the days off I requested at work. I wanted them to coincide with the receptionist who also was trying to coordinate with the kids' days off at school. I was going to take the beginning of Easter break and she would have the second half of it off. But now, nope to all of that. She's home too, trying to figure out how to file for unemployment online. Teachers want the Easter and Passover break off and are not getting it. The rest of the school year will be full of remote or distant learning.

So, here is one take of our quarantine and "all the time in the world" situation" we're all in:

And here it is after someone pulled a, "There, I fixed it" altering it to:

I'm all for doing both. Being productive, organized, innovative and all for sitting with your feelings, giving in, crying, worrying, trying to cope, trying to forget. Both are valid. As long as the dwelling doesn't lead to drowning the way Artax did in The Neverending Story. That's such a heartbreaking image that stings and has stuck with me all these years, like it has with many fellow younger Gen Xers who grew up with that movie.

I'm enjoying Instagram's live videos from Pero LikeNuevayorkinos, Love is Louder, Gary Vee, friends deciding to belt out in song, showing off their crafts, cooked meals, and nice moments with family. I submitted a couple of old family pics to Nuevayorkinos. If  they don't featured them this week, I'll put them here in the next week or two, along with what I wrote.

Against the general advice on the internet, I have reached out to a couple of exes and a couple have reached out to me. Not getting caught up in that, just checking in. I make introverted jokes though videos and drawings to kind of promote the whole staying in policy that can apparently help "flatten the curve" as they say. As we say. I am they, they are we... and... well, how are you doing?


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