
Remember November

  <a href="">brooklyn bridge art</a> Sponsoring a page that I've put some of my artwork in. I have done any Brooklyn bridges myself but it is my favorite bridge so I figured why not. In return, Pixels promises to post some of my work on that page so let's see how that goes.  Definitely focusing more on my drawings than my writing lately. My aunt has said that she'll always have a part for me in her plays if I'm ever interested. Well, not always but in general, she'd love for me to jump on board like I used to do. I told her I'll be happy to do readings but full-scale productions I am not able to commit to. With my art, I have more of say-in, even in terms of when I set out time for it. There are some things I'd like to catch up on here from the last time I wrote so I'll be sure to come back for more updates, insights, and questions. Happy Holidays :) <iframe src="

Winter Wondertime- Time for my artist statement, what?

12/20/2020 The last time I wrote here it was dated May 23 and still in draft mode. It covered a few things like the woman-child trope, my job situation, the fact that my 25th high school reunion was taking place virtually on Zoom this year, and my artist statement. A lot has happened since then like having to move and getting a new job. I haven't stopped writing, I've just been doing it privately, sorting things out on my own. It's (this blog is) called tracking down my shots in the light and the dark for a reason I suppose and there'll be times when I'll be doing 'this work' in the dark so to speak, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I don't exactly know what made me want to come back up to the surface or "the light" here, but I was thinking about doing this yesterday. Maybe it's the coming of the winter solstice and a time of transformation. Someone compared it to being in a portal of some kind and yeah, I feel that or want to feel t

The "OK COVID, Wrap It Up" sign

Most of this entry was made possible by the gentle, friendly pushing and holding accountable of MeetUp's Shut Up and Write group, something I attended once last year but have now participated in one of their (free) video sessions because of the quarantine. I'd say I've made it clear here that I am a homebody and like staying in. I do however, have a polar opposite part of me that likes to travel (Heyy, moon in Sag! ♐), explore, attend events, be around festive people as well as peaceful, quiet, reflective people and be part of the outside landscape. But in a way where I'm not being bothered either. Ideally, to not bother anyone and to not be bothered. I came to that realization when I went to Brazil in the summer of 2004. I was sitting in the car and looking out the window, music playing on the radio, conversations, and just not being bothered. I sat there out looking at the window enjoying the moment and realized that this was an utterly ideal form of peac

Love in the time of Corona

This year my husband and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. We stayed indoors and he made us a lovely dinner. Afterwards we danced to our wedding song, Stevie Wonder's "Ribbon in the Sky" . We danced right next to our dining room table while Dad's show played in the living room/his room, probably something from Fox News, I can't remember now. I mostly tune that stuff out, especially during those moments. We didn't go out dancing like I had wanted to, but we dressed up for it just the same. **************** Nuevayorkinos hasn't posted my pics and story yet. I wrote so much (for an Instagram post) that I was almost going to give them permission to edit it as much as they wanted, but then decided against it. They can if they want to of course, but I'm curious to see if they would either post the whole thing or ask me themselves if they could. Or simply let me know they would do that or would they just go ahead and cut it themselves.

They and We and You and I

This week I would've had the days off I requested at work. I wanted them to coincide with the receptionist who also was trying to coordinate with the kids' days off at school. I was going to take the beginning of Easter break and she would have the second half of it off. But now, nope to all of that. She's home too, trying to figure out how to file for unemployment online. Teachers want the Easter and Passover break off and are not getting it. The rest of the school year will be full of remote or distant learning. So, here is one take of our quarantine and "all the time in the world" situation" we're all in: And here it is after someone pulled a, "There, I fixed it" altering it to: I'm all for doing both. Being productive, organized, innovative and  all for sitting with your feelings, giving in, crying, worrying, trying to cope, trying to forget. Both are valid. As long as the dwelling doesn't lead to drowning the

Claro Que Yo Me Quedo En Casa

There's a Spanish hashtag that has recently come up, #yomequedoencasa meaning I stay at home, created to promote the practice of well, staying home. Well I'm saying that claro (of course) que me quedo en casa . I'm an introvert, more specifically an INFP . And because of the feelings of anxiety and dread I've managed for most of my life, like many people with anxiety, this new nightmare we're all in almost feels normal or at least familiar within. Also, yo me quedo en casa because I'm fortunate enough not to be homeless, trapped in an abusive relationship, nor am I rooming with dozens of people. I realize that staying home and practicing social distancing cannot always be practiced properly depending on one's circumstances. As for the term social distancing, I feel that physical distancing is a more accurate way to phrase it since many of us are constantly checking in on each other and being quite social regardless. Many people are ignoring the physical d

What Things May Come

So now here we are contending with the coronavirus. I'm glad I ventured out to Connecticut when I did. Not that it's super far, but still. I'm also glad my sister went to London and came back before the madness. I realize I didn't even write about her wedding here. I will eventually though. I'm glad I have my transcribing job at this time but finding work is hard there too. And I really want to get better at it. I'm also a Shutterstock contributor learning about which images they like to approve and which ones they don't like. Interesting stuff. Stay tuned to see what else emerges from this hunker-down pandemic. There will be more to come, I'm sure. Love to you, stay safe xoxoxxoxo